Friday, August 15, 2014

Facing Fires with Him

I had the honor of watching Beth Moore's study of the book of Daniel. This was shared with me during a time that I really needed it, and it help with lots of motivation. It gave me much peace.

These are just a few of the lessons that I learned from this study so far. God gives us fires, or trails, to face on this earth. Our lives would be boring without them. However, He does not leave us when we are facing fires. In fact, there are three different ways that He helps us through them and with those three ways come three different ways of finding more faith.

When facing a trail or fire we may ask:

1. "God deliver us from the fire." We turn to God and ask Him to take away the trail. He can send us away from the fire. As Moore said "this is often the one way we pray for." I have always had a problem praying for this one because I felt as if I was asking God to do my will not His. However, I realize that praying for this is just simply asking for what you truly want. He wants us to ask Him for things.

2. "God help us through the fire." This is the situation where we are asked to suffer through a trail. The key is remembering that He is with you. Always. Sometimes we must go through the fire just to "refine our faith" (Moore, Session 3). Often times this will help us affirm our faith.

3."God send me through this fire to your arms." If we must face a fire; sometimes the result may not be what we expect it to be. However, we must remember that to 'die is to gain.' In His arms is the safest place to be. Sometimes we go through fire to find Him waiting for us on the other side.

Remember to trust in Him and His grand plan.