About Me

Just a few facts about myself and how God has made me.

God made me:

A mother--- nurturing and sometimes a little scatterbrained.

A wife--- My husband and I have been married for ten years this year. I am learning new ways each day to honor our commitment to each other and enjoy a happy life together.

A writer--- hence, the blog.

Forgiving--- I have been known to forgive very easily. At times this has led to situations that were not the healthiest including both physical and emotionally abuse relationships before my husband.

Stubborn/ Passionate--- I have a tendency to think of things in the extreme. I will most often take and stand on an issue and stand my ground. This would make a great trait if I was a lawyer or politician. I am neither. This has resulted in many others calling me stubborn.....I prefer the label of passionate.

Loyal-- I have had many long time friendships despite many problems. See once more the forgiving trait.

God did not give me the gifts of: 

Oral communication-- hence, the blog.

Sense of humor-- I look to my husband most often for a good laugh. If you are looking for funny post, then please forgive me. I try, but often everything falls flat.

Oral empathy/sympathy-- I still feel the same emotions that others have when they see someone hurting. I just do not know how to form the right words out of my mouth to provide comfort. I really want to try, but I know this is not my strength. Once more....oral communication. (I think I really don't like the sound of my own voice)

Patience-- I am working on accepting God's help with this one. As a mom, wife, and the many other hats I have...patience is something I really need.

I have learned to be the best of what He gave me, and be ok with asking for help for those qualities I lack. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. 

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