Friday, August 15, 2014

Facing Fires with Him

I had the honor of watching Beth Moore's study of the book of Daniel. This was shared with me during a time that I really needed it, and it help with lots of motivation. It gave me much peace.

These are just a few of the lessons that I learned from this study so far. God gives us fires, or trails, to face on this earth. Our lives would be boring without them. However, He does not leave us when we are facing fires. In fact, there are three different ways that He helps us through them and with those three ways come three different ways of finding more faith.

When facing a trail or fire we may ask:

1. "God deliver us from the fire." We turn to God and ask Him to take away the trail. He can send us away from the fire. As Moore said "this is often the one way we pray for." I have always had a problem praying for this one because I felt as if I was asking God to do my will not His. However, I realize that praying for this is just simply asking for what you truly want. He wants us to ask Him for things.

2. "God help us through the fire." This is the situation where we are asked to suffer through a trail. The key is remembering that He is with you. Always. Sometimes we must go through the fire just to "refine our faith" (Moore, Session 3). Often times this will help us affirm our faith.

3."God send me through this fire to your arms." If we must face a fire; sometimes the result may not be what we expect it to be. However, we must remember that to 'die is to gain.' In His arms is the safest place to be. Sometimes we go through fire to find Him waiting for us on the other side.

Remember to trust in Him and His grand plan.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Blessings from Him

 He has given me a lot in my life. I forget this sometimes. Life has a tendency to get crazy and very stressful.

Often times I find myself praying for God to 'fix' things, and give me things. Even if it is just peace of mind, it is still asking for something from Him. Sometimes I forget to count the blessings I have received.  In a time in my life when my thoughts have been everywhere, and focused on asking for things to be ok; I only find it fitting to count my blessings that He has given me.

God has blessed me with three beautiful children. Each one has their own personality and makes life interesting and never boring. Each of my children have been delivered healthy and have had very few major illnesses in life. I know there are plenty of others that are not that lucky. I thank you God for the three little blessings that I have brought home.

God has blessed me with a wonderful life partner. He is always caring and really wants to support me in anything I want to accomplish in my life. He has never even thought about giving up on us. I know he will always be there for the rest of my life. I thank God for giving me a husband that I know will be there for the rest of my life.

God has blessed me with a family that has always been close. No matter what the situation, and there have been plenty, my sister and I have always been close.  I was very blessed to have a sister that I grew up with my whole life. I know there are plenty of people out there that did not get to know their siblings until later in life. I thank God for my sister; she often brings joy and smiles to my life.

It may seem small, but in a hot Midwest summer, it is nice to be grateful for air conditioning. My family and I moved to a new place this past January. In this new apartment we have central air and all of us have been comfortable despite the 90 degree weather outside. In the other place this would not have been possible. I am so grateful for the air conditioner. God thank you for providing me a safe and cool home for my little ones.

Remember to count your blessings. If you ever find a time when you are asking God for others things, remember the little blessings He has already put in your life. 

Psalms 23:1

"The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing."

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Moving Forward with Him

Each one of us starts in His image. We are born to our mothers and fathers that God gives us. Each milestone and part of our journey has been predetermined by the Lord. During our childhood our parents try to teach us what is important and what is right and wrong. We develop different interests and determine where we want to go in our journey.

However, sometimes the Lord has other plans. He can help you find the destination that you are working toward or give you a big detour. He has much bigger plans for you then what can ever be imagined on the this earth.

During my own personal journey I have been through many detours. Within my first twenty years, I had gone from believing I was going to college to get an education to being a victim of abuse, and having a child. My first long term relationship was very physically abusive, and I left that relationship only to find a marriage that was verbally and emotionally abusive. Very shortly after my first marriage I gave birth to my first child, Adam.

This was not the beginning of the journey I had planned for myself. I don't think my parents had ever thought it would be the journey I was on. However, God was always there moving me forward toward a destination He knew was coming.

My first husband left me and I found someone that made me a much better person. The person God had made me to be. I married this wonderful man and my life seemed to fall into place. We had another child and I decided it was time to go back to school. Last year, while going to school and working full time, we had our second child together. Just one month ago I graduated from a junior college with an Associates degree. I am gearing up for the next step in school, but there have been many more detours in my life recently.

Right now, instead of focusing on my end goal, I find myself suddenly having to worry about just living each day as it comes. There are many things going on right now that has just made me grateful to be here each day. I have no idea what the future holds, but I know the Lord knows. He has plans for us all and I must keep the faith that there is a reason for everything.

Jeremiah 29:11 

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Our Father

The dad that raised me did an incredible job. When I was young he worked two jobs just so my mother could stay home. However, as time went by he realized he wanted more time with his children. My mom and dad made it work somehow. There was always some one at home.

My dad never went anywhere he could not bring his kids. My best memories are of my dad coming into my bedroom before I went to sleep to talk. During those times we could talk about anything, and I told him everything.

My dad has overcome many obstacles. My dad can not hear well, and was told that by the age of 40 he would be deaf in both ears. Although he is older then that now, he can still hear some and has finally decided to wear a hearing aid so that he does not miss anything. Despite having a high school diploma, my dad can not read. He has had to be humble and ask for my help with reading different things when I got my education. This is a fact that he is uncomfortable with but does not hide.

I was very blessed to have this dad while I was little, but no matter what dad helped raise you we all share the same Father. God is our Father. He loves us just as any dad does. For those children that feel as if they have no dad; Our Father loves you. We are all members of the same family and belong to His family. Whether we are having joy or sorrow in our lives we can always turn to Our Father.

In honor of father's day, let us praise and worship Our Father. He is the one that has given us our dads here on Earth.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Faith in Him

My life is a mess. It is often a mess. I am a mother to three children (one under the age of two), a wife, full time worker and often a full time student. Therefore, my life is often a mess. My house tends to follow also. Often times the biggest mess is money. My husband and I survive (often by the skin of our teeth) on one income. This means not being able to afford some things and sacrificing other things (hence the holes in my shoes currently).

Often times this mess can cause big problems in my life. I get overwhelmed and anxious. I worry about everything and wonder how we are going to make it. I often get angry at my family and take my stresses out on them.

This is when my Faith should come in. I just need to take a deep breath and try to relax. I must remember that everything happens for a reason and God has a plan. It is often very hard to remember that God's plan for us is much bigger than the present. It is often unclear why we have to struggle so much. Faith is an important part of any relationship. Having Faith means being able to understand that your life is in His hands, not your own.

When I am trying to deal with my messy and often chaotic life; I need only to remember that He has a plan. Faith is very hard to have in times of trouble, but also very important to have in those times. I need to remember to take a deep breath and trust in Him. He knows all and understands things in a why we can never.

For a moment during your own mess, maybe, take a deep breath and let God handle it. He is much better at it then we could ever be. So the next time I find myself in the middle of a mess, no matter where the place is, I need only to remember to bow my head and pray. For my Faith in our Heavenly Father shall provide comfort.

Psalms 34:17-19
"Yes, the Lord hears the good man when he calls to Him for help, and saves him out of all his troubles. The Lord is close to those whose heart is breaking; He rescues those who are humbly sorry for their sins. The good man does not escape all troubles - he has them, too. But the Lord helps him in each and every one."

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Grief with Him

 I was going to wait awhile before posting about Grief. I may not be ready to talk about Grief, but God has sent me the message that I must put on here. I hope this helps someone that may be suffering.

We have lost many people in our lives. We want them to stay with us. We want to talk to them again. It may seem selfish but that is the way it is. It is ok to miss those that have gone to live with the Lord. It is ok to wish that they were still here with us. However, if grief takes you down a path of darkness with no light at the end of the tunnel what are you to do.

I lost a very dear friend of mine when I was just thirteen. It was very sudden and hurt very bad. This was at a time in my life when I did not have a relationship with God. I did not know Him well and did not seek Him for comfort. I spent many, many years grieving this loss. In fact, my grief took me to very dark corners of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.

Contrast this with my most recent loss when I found God (my testimony), and there is a big difference. Yes I still miss my loved one, and still wish (selfish or not) that they were here with me. I still believe I was not given enough time. However, this grief is different. In the middle of my grief I turned to God. I let Him comfort me as a loving Father. This did take awhile, and for awhile I was angry with God. PJ (the pastor at my church) assured me that God could take whatever I wanted to say. Many prayers were said out of anger. Many prayers were said asking the questions "Why" or "What if". God gave me that time. He did not turn his back on me. Just as any father would just listen and wrap his arms around his hurting daughter, He did so. One night I just felt His love, and I knew that I would once again see my dear one.

Imagine if in the middle of grief if you could have peace. Imagine for a moment if you can feel a father during any hour, day or night , wrap you in his arms and give you comfort. He knows your pain, but He also promises an everlasting life.

We will always miss those that leave before us. If you know God and know what He has for you then missing them can also have a light at the end of the tunnel.

 Psalm 18:28  “You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Finding Peace in Him

              Peace. Sometimes just saying that simple word can make a difference. It is the type of word  that when said out loud it brings a feeling, sound or emotion. ( also known as an onomatopoeia, for those English majors like myself) . However, many times in my life Peace is not something I have been able to find. Anyone that has known me for any length of time knows: I lose my temper sometimes, I yell at my kids, I get anxiety attacks, and I worry about....everything. However, in the last few days things have turned around.

             I have found myself worrying less and yelling less. I have found that my anxiety attacks are less severe. This is not because there has been less to worry about, in fact, there have been a lot of things going on that would have made the 'old' me worry and hyperventilate. I have just found a new way to deal with these things. I have found Peace in Him. I have decided that God will make everything as it is suppose to be according to His will. It may not always make sense to us, and often we find ourselves praying for earthly desires forgetting the Heavenly Plan. Instead of a prayer of specific desires, we must pray for the strength to accept his will.

         God has a plan and it is a much bigger plan then anyone on earth can understand. I wonder sometimes if He smiles to himself when He hears our prayers of our earthly desires. I am sure He thinks to himself about the future He has in store for his children. Many parents can relate to this feeling. When a teenager gets mad because a parent refuses to let them go somewhere, or when a small child throws a fit because their parent has refused to let them explore that 'one' area of the house: these are examples of when the parent knows best. He is our Father, and He knows what is best for his children. We may just not see it all of the time.

This week has given me many chances to ask for Peace:

                           I was at a prayer breakfast at church and received a distressing text from my  husband  about our littlest child. He said "she gave me a heart attack, you need to see her newest trick." My old habit would be to panic. In my mind were many questions and doubts. "Was she ok? Was she hurt? What happened? Should I leave and head straight home right now?" I took a moment to say a silent prayer to the Lord: "I give this situation to you. Please. Send Peace to my heart." To my amazement, all was calm and peaceful. I sat enjoying the speaker and knowing that my children were in their Heavenly Father's arms. I received Peace in knowing that H
e has given my husband the strength to handle all of the drama that comes with parenting a toddler. (she was fine)

                         Yesterday, I never yelled at my children or my spouse which is very big for me. Things were not perfect, but once more when I got overwhelmed I sent everything to Him. I found myself getting overwhelmed with the noise all around me (the kids had some friends over and dinner was being made) but in that moment I took a deep breath and sent out a prayer for Peace. The children did misbehave and I had an experience in the morning that should have sent me into a bad mood all day. However, He gave me Peace in knowing that there is a reason and a plan.

He can give you Peace too. Take a moment and give your troubles to the Lord. It is a refreshing feeling.

“Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.”  Psalm 119:165