Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Grief with Him

 I was going to wait awhile before posting about Grief. I may not be ready to talk about Grief, but God has sent me the message that I must put on here. I hope this helps someone that may be suffering.

We have lost many people in our lives. We want them to stay with us. We want to talk to them again. It may seem selfish but that is the way it is. It is ok to miss those that have gone to live with the Lord. It is ok to wish that they were still here with us. However, if grief takes you down a path of darkness with no light at the end of the tunnel what are you to do.

I lost a very dear friend of mine when I was just thirteen. It was very sudden and hurt very bad. This was at a time in my life when I did not have a relationship with God. I did not know Him well and did not seek Him for comfort. I spent many, many years grieving this loss. In fact, my grief took me to very dark corners of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.

Contrast this with my most recent loss when I found God (my testimony), and there is a big difference. Yes I still miss my loved one, and still wish (selfish or not) that they were here with me. I still believe I was not given enough time. However, this grief is different. In the middle of my grief I turned to God. I let Him comfort me as a loving Father. This did take awhile, and for awhile I was angry with God. PJ (the pastor at my church) assured me that God could take whatever I wanted to say. Many prayers were said out of anger. Many prayers were said asking the questions "Why" or "What if". God gave me that time. He did not turn his back on me. Just as any father would just listen and wrap his arms around his hurting daughter, He did so. One night I just felt His love, and I knew that I would once again see my dear one.

Imagine if in the middle of grief if you could have peace. Imagine for a moment if you can feel a father during any hour, day or night , wrap you in his arms and give you comfort. He knows your pain, but He also promises an everlasting life.

We will always miss those that leave before us. If you know God and know what He has for you then missing them can also have a light at the end of the tunnel.

 Psalm 18:28  “You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.

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