Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Finding Peace in Him

              Peace. Sometimes just saying that simple word can make a difference. It is the type of word  that when said out loud it brings a feeling, sound or emotion. ( also known as an onomatopoeia, for those English majors like myself) . However, many times in my life Peace is not something I have been able to find. Anyone that has known me for any length of time knows: I lose my temper sometimes, I yell at my kids, I get anxiety attacks, and I worry about....everything. However, in the last few days things have turned around.

             I have found myself worrying less and yelling less. I have found that my anxiety attacks are less severe. This is not because there has been less to worry about, in fact, there have been a lot of things going on that would have made the 'old' me worry and hyperventilate. I have just found a new way to deal with these things. I have found Peace in Him. I have decided that God will make everything as it is suppose to be according to His will. It may not always make sense to us, and often we find ourselves praying for earthly desires forgetting the Heavenly Plan. Instead of a prayer of specific desires, we must pray for the strength to accept his will.

         God has a plan and it is a much bigger plan then anyone on earth can understand. I wonder sometimes if He smiles to himself when He hears our prayers of our earthly desires. I am sure He thinks to himself about the future He has in store for his children. Many parents can relate to this feeling. When a teenager gets mad because a parent refuses to let them go somewhere, or when a small child throws a fit because their parent has refused to let them explore that 'one' area of the house: these are examples of when the parent knows best. He is our Father, and He knows what is best for his children. We may just not see it all of the time.

This week has given me many chances to ask for Peace:

                           I was at a prayer breakfast at church and received a distressing text from my  husband  about our littlest child. He said "she gave me a heart attack, you need to see her newest trick." My old habit would be to panic. In my mind were many questions and doubts. "Was she ok? Was she hurt? What happened? Should I leave and head straight home right now?" I took a moment to say a silent prayer to the Lord: "I give this situation to you. Please. Send Peace to my heart." To my amazement, all was calm and peaceful. I sat enjoying the speaker and knowing that my children were in their Heavenly Father's arms. I received Peace in knowing that H
e has given my husband the strength to handle all of the drama that comes with parenting a toddler. (she was fine)

                         Yesterday, I never yelled at my children or my spouse which is very big for me. Things were not perfect, but once more when I got overwhelmed I sent everything to Him. I found myself getting overwhelmed with the noise all around me (the kids had some friends over and dinner was being made) but in that moment I took a deep breath and sent out a prayer for Peace. The children did misbehave and I had an experience in the morning that should have sent me into a bad mood all day. However, He gave me Peace in knowing that there is a reason and a plan.

He can give you Peace too. Take a moment and give your troubles to the Lord. It is a refreshing feeling.

“Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.”  Psalm 119:165

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