Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Moving Forward with Him

Each one of us starts in His image. We are born to our mothers and fathers that God gives us. Each milestone and part of our journey has been predetermined by the Lord. During our childhood our parents try to teach us what is important and what is right and wrong. We develop different interests and determine where we want to go in our journey.

However, sometimes the Lord has other plans. He can help you find the destination that you are working toward or give you a big detour. He has much bigger plans for you then what can ever be imagined on the this earth.

During my own personal journey I have been through many detours. Within my first twenty years, I had gone from believing I was going to college to get an education to being a victim of abuse, and having a child. My first long term relationship was very physically abusive, and I left that relationship only to find a marriage that was verbally and emotionally abusive. Very shortly after my first marriage I gave birth to my first child, Adam.

This was not the beginning of the journey I had planned for myself. I don't think my parents had ever thought it would be the journey I was on. However, God was always there moving me forward toward a destination He knew was coming.

My first husband left me and I found someone that made me a much better person. The person God had made me to be. I married this wonderful man and my life seemed to fall into place. We had another child and I decided it was time to go back to school. Last year, while going to school and working full time, we had our second child together. Just one month ago I graduated from a junior college with an Associates degree. I am gearing up for the next step in school, but there have been many more detours in my life recently.

Right now, instead of focusing on my end goal, I find myself suddenly having to worry about just living each day as it comes. There are many things going on right now that has just made me grateful to be here each day. I have no idea what the future holds, but I know the Lord knows. He has plans for us all and I must keep the faith that there is a reason for everything.

Jeremiah 29:11 

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

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