Sunday, June 15, 2014

Our Father

The dad that raised me did an incredible job. When I was young he worked two jobs just so my mother could stay home. However, as time went by he realized he wanted more time with his children. My mom and dad made it work somehow. There was always some one at home.

My dad never went anywhere he could not bring his kids. My best memories are of my dad coming into my bedroom before I went to sleep to talk. During those times we could talk about anything, and I told him everything.

My dad has overcome many obstacles. My dad can not hear well, and was told that by the age of 40 he would be deaf in both ears. Although he is older then that now, he can still hear some and has finally decided to wear a hearing aid so that he does not miss anything. Despite having a high school diploma, my dad can not read. He has had to be humble and ask for my help with reading different things when I got my education. This is a fact that he is uncomfortable with but does not hide.

I was very blessed to have this dad while I was little, but no matter what dad helped raise you we all share the same Father. God is our Father. He loves us just as any dad does. For those children that feel as if they have no dad; Our Father loves you. We are all members of the same family and belong to His family. Whether we are having joy or sorrow in our lives we can always turn to Our Father.

In honor of father's day, let us praise and worship Our Father. He is the one that has given us our dads here on Earth.

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