Friday, June 13, 2014

Faith in Him

My life is a mess. It is often a mess. I am a mother to three children (one under the age of two), a wife, full time worker and often a full time student. Therefore, my life is often a mess. My house tends to follow also. Often times the biggest mess is money. My husband and I survive (often by the skin of our teeth) on one income. This means not being able to afford some things and sacrificing other things (hence the holes in my shoes currently).

Often times this mess can cause big problems in my life. I get overwhelmed and anxious. I worry about everything and wonder how we are going to make it. I often get angry at my family and take my stresses out on them.

This is when my Faith should come in. I just need to take a deep breath and try to relax. I must remember that everything happens for a reason and God has a plan. It is often very hard to remember that God's plan for us is much bigger than the present. It is often unclear why we have to struggle so much. Faith is an important part of any relationship. Having Faith means being able to understand that your life is in His hands, not your own.

When I am trying to deal with my messy and often chaotic life; I need only to remember that He has a plan. Faith is very hard to have in times of trouble, but also very important to have in those times. I need to remember to take a deep breath and trust in Him. He knows all and understands things in a why we can never.

For a moment during your own mess, maybe, take a deep breath and let God handle it. He is much better at it then we could ever be. So the next time I find myself in the middle of a mess, no matter where the place is, I need only to remember to bow my head and pray. For my Faith in our Heavenly Father shall provide comfort.

Psalms 34:17-19
"Yes, the Lord hears the good man when he calls to Him for help, and saves him out of all his troubles. The Lord is close to those whose heart is breaking; He rescues those who are humbly sorry for their sins. The good man does not escape all troubles - he has them, too. But the Lord helps him in each and every one."

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