Monday, June 9, 2014


       I don't know if God has turned to the digital age and has a laptop full of emails with prayer requests. However, the image is delightfully depicted during a scene of  Bruce Almighty   starring Jim Carrey. I like to think that God watches and listens always. Therefore, it would only bring to reason that God would read the electronic exchanges between people. Think about that for a moment.......

      Troubling...maybe...but for those of us that are not that great at speaking or praying out loud this news is comforting. I don't have to speak out loud to show others about God's love. He has promised everlasting life for everyone that knows him, and I want to share that message. I am still fairly new to the concept myself, but have found great comfort in that message.

     So taking the picture of God at the laptop in the sky and spreading the word the best way I know how in mind; I have chosen to blog. I will blog away....writing....of the many lessons I learn in life and how I turn to His love to see me through many things.

     I am not formally educated in religion, and do not claim to know the answers to all questions. I do believe that God gave me the gift of the written word as a way to communicate, and therefore, will use it to the best of my ability.

       At my new found church home, my pastor (PJ) encourages our church family to 'speak Jesus.' He believes that we can turn any conversation or any act of service into a chance to introduce others to the word of God. This policy has been the growing force behind the growth of the church. This has brought me to my faith.  I do not do the 'speaking' part as well as the writing part. Therefore, this blog will become my way of 'writing Jesus.'  This blog will be a combination of my thoughts of the lessons I learn from my church and my own experiences. I will share my joys and trials. In each, joys and trails, I will share with my followers how I turn to God to help me along the way. I hope that my journey through my faith will give others the insight into the love of God that they may not have already. The journey through this life is not always easy, but with God's help, you can enjoy the life God has given you down here to fully appreciate our everlasting life. 

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